Pigment Żółty 168

Nazwa produktuPIGMENT YELLOW 168
Synonimy:C.I.Pigment Yellow 168; C.I.PY168; PY168; P.Y.168
Nr CAS71832-85-4
Waga molekularna440.82
Formuła molekularnaC16H13ClN4O7S
KolorŻółty proszek

Wzór struktury molekularnej:  

Main application: Plastic

Posiadamy różne gatunki i właściwości pigmentów, aby zaspokoić różne potrzeby klientów, proszę określić swoje zastosowanie i wymagania, abyśmy mogli odpowiednio zarekomendować.  E-mail: sy@sypigment.com

Product Description of Pigment Yellow 168:

Pigment Yellow 168  is a calcium salt lake with similar structure to CI Pigment Yellow 61 and Pigment Yellow 62, giving a slightly greenish yellow hue, between CI Pigment Yellow 1 and Pigment Yellow 3; good for aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons Solvent resistance and migration resistance, mainly used for the coloring of paints and plastics. It has good migration resistance in plastic PVC. The color strength is slightly lower. The light fastness is level 6. It has dimensional deformation in HDPE. It is mainly recommended for Coloring of LDPE.