Pigment Yellow 154

Nazwa produktuPIGMENT YELLOW 154
SynonimyC.I.Pigment Yellow 154; C.I.PY154; PY154; P.Y.154
Nr CAS68134-22-5
Waga molekularna405.33
Formuła molekularnaC18H14F3N5O3
KolorŻółty proszek

Wzór struktury molekularnej:  

Fastness Properties of Pigment Yellow 154:

Odporność na światło7
Odporność na ciepło (℃)180
Odporność na olej5
Odporność na kwas5
Odporność na alkalia5
Odporność na alkohol5

Main application: Plastic, Paint

Posiadamy różne gatunki i właściwości pigmentów, aby zaspokoić różne potrzeby klientów, proszę określić swoje zastosowanie i wymagania, abyśmy mogli odpowiednio zarekomendować.  E-mail: sy@sypigment.com

Product Description of Pigment Yellow 154:

Pigment Yellow 154 is greenish yellow with a hue angle of 95.1 degrees (1/3SD), but it shows red light compared to CI Pigment Yellow 175 and Pigment Yellow 151. It has excellent light fastness and weather fastness, and good solvent resistance. Thermal stability, mainly used in coatings. This pigment is one of the yellow varieties with the most light fastness and weather fastness. It is mainly recommended for metal decorative paints and automotive coatings (OEM). It has good rheology so that it does not affect its gloss at high concentrations; it can also be used for soft and Coloring of rigid PVC plastic outdoor products; heat-resistant stability in HDPE is 210℃/5min; suitable for printing inks that require high light resistance (1/25SD printed samples light resistance 6-7).