Pigment Niebieski 27

Nazwa produktuPIGMENT BLUE 27
SynonimyC.I.Pigment Blue 27; C.I.PB27; PB27; P.B.27
NR CAS:12240-15-2
Waga molekularna859.2282
Formuła molekularnaC18Fe7N18
KolorNiebieski proszek

Wzór struktury molekularnej:  

Główne zastosowanie: Atrament na bazie wody, Atrament offsetowy, Atrament na bazie rozpuszczalnika, Plastik, Farba, Druk tekstylny

Posiadamy różne gatunki i właściwości pigmentów, aby zaspokoić różne potrzeby klientów, proszę określić swoje zastosowanie i wymagania, abyśmy mogli odpowiednio zarekomendować.  E-mail: sy@sypigment.com

Product Description of Pigment Blue 27:

A large number of them are used by industries such as coatings and printing inks, and no bleeding occurs. In addition to being used alone as a blue pigment, it can be combined with lead chrome yellow to form lead chrome green, which is a commonly used green pigment in paint. Because it is not alkali resistant, it cannot be used in water-based paint. Iron blue is also used in carbon paper. In plastic products, iron blue is not suitable as a coloring agent for polyvinyl chloride, because iron blue has a degrading effect on polyvinyl chloride, but it is suitable for coloring low-density polyethylene and high-density polyethylene. In addition, it is also used for the coloring of paintings, crayons, varnished cloth, lacquered paper and other products.